Energy Digital Magazine April 2024 | Page 123

Sustain . Life ’ s CSO shares how their solution helps report carbon emissions and facilitates the decarbonisation of organisations and their supply chains



According to the latest International Energy Agency ( IEA ) data , energy-related CO2 emissions grew by 0.9 % to more than 36.8Gt in 2022 . Global

CO2 emissions from energy combustion and industrial processes also rose 0.9 %, equivalent to 321Mt in the same year to a record-breaking high of 36.8Gt .
When looking at this on a more micro scale and focusing in on organisations as individuals more closely , on average , Scope 3 emissions account for in excess of 80 % of carbon footprint . These emissions include all activities from its supply chain .
“ The old adage remains : you can ’ t manage what you don ’ t measure ,” says Alyssa Rade , Chief Sustainability Officer at Sustain . Life , a solution that helps organisations measure , manage and report their carbon emissions across Scope 1 , 2 and 3 in accordance with global standards . This also extends to organisations wanting to decarbonise their supply chain .
“ Tracking emissions is only the first step towards the real goal : to reduce impact and decarbonise ,” she warns . “ By automating the measurement process ,
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