Energy Digital Magazine April 2024 | Page 154

Key findings highlighted a growing intent to invest in climate tech , driven by awareness of the climate crisis and regulatory pressures .
Andrillon shares some of the standout findings of the report that he found most impactful .
“ Executives expect climate tech to contribute to 37 %, on average , of their organisation ’ s decarbonisation or net zero goals ,” he shares . As well as this , 65 % of organisations plan to increase investment in climate technology in the next two years .
Andrillon continues : “ The top drivers for this increased investment are aware of the worsening climate crisis , stricter regulation and increased maturity of climate technologies . While climate tech is critical for decarbonisation , it comes at a price .” He continues to highlight how on average , organisations plan to increase investment in climate tech by 7.7 % in the next two years , although the average annual investment in the environmental sustainability initiative is only 0.92 % of total revenue in 2023 .
“ In absolute terms , it means that the current investment in environmental sustainability of the top 2,000 largest companies globally represents less than US $ 500bn per year overall ,” he concludes . “ This is a small portion of the US $ 1.8tn of estimated global investment in clean energy in 2023 , and far below the US $ 4.5tn a year required in the early 2030s for the energy sector to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 , according to the IEA .”
154 April 2024