Energy Digital Magazine April 2024 | Page 70


“It ’ s important to prioritise sustainable innovation . This is a collective goal , a mission to be able to save the planet ”

PANKAJ SHARMA EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT , SECURE POWER DIVISION & DATA CENTER BUSINESS , SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC reduce demand on the grid , which means their own consumption goes down dramatically ,” Sharma shares .
Working within Schneider ’ s data centre provision , Sharma knows all too well how energy intensive critical power , software and cooling technologies are , which is why he and his team work to create solutions to dramatically reduce that demand . The company also works on power purchase agreements ( PPAs ) for its clients to aid them in buying lesser carbon-intensive energies to negotiate better , cleaner power . For example , Schneider assisted Equinix and renewable energy developer wpd in signing seven 20-year PPAs , providing more than 100MW in capacity and more than 300GWh per year of green energy output in France through wind farms .
70 April 2024