Energy Digital Magazine February 2024 | Page 91

Predictive AI ’ s role in forecasting energy forecast patterns Gault is a firm believer in that the transition to net-zero disrupts both the supply side and the demand side of the energy system .
“ For example , electric vehicles ( EVs ), residential solar and electric heating are continuously changing demand patterns ,” he shares . “ At the same time , an increase in renewables on the grid is causing fluctuations in supply capacity . Add to this more frequent extreme weather events and you can have challenging supply and demand patterns .”
By being able to better predict when the energy system will experience an imbalance in supply and demand means that the charging of EVs can be scheduled better to ensure the balancing of the grid , with a reward being cheaper electricity and , if the charging can coincide
AI , according to a 2023 GlobalData report , is set to revolutionise the potential of predictive maintenance , improving system efficiency and even international energy security , thanks to its ability to identify and resolve problems before they have a chance to disrupt operations .
The Thematic Intelligence : Artificial Intelligence in Energy report shines a light on how AI is changing the energy sector , suggesting that AI will increasingly be used to analyse real-time data . Key findings show that it can be leveraged to detect and repair faults , using monitoring , thermographic and analytical technology .
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