Energy Digital Magazine October 2024 | Page 101

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC climate transition goals . This is crucial , considering the energy sector accounts for 80 % of CO2 emissions .”
He adds : ” We do that everywhere in the world . We have 150,000 employees globally .
“ We also have more than a million partners operating in over 100 countries to ensure proximity to our customers and stakeholders .”
The approach is clearly working . Only last month , Schneider Electric was placed 2nd in Sustainability Magazine ’ s 250 Companies in Sustainability .
In recent years , it was selected by Corporate Knights as the most sustainable company in the world and by Time as one of the world ’ s most sustainable companies .
Olivier says : “ This is good because , while I ’ m convinced about it , it ’ s even better when external organisations recognise and endorse that our sustainability strategy has a positive impact .”
Maintaining the momentum “ Our passion is always to understand what it will take for a company to achieve their net zero goals .”
That passion , says Olivier , drives the desire to continually reach the next level of sustainability .
He says that it requires the latest technology , consulting , services and digital systems , adding that Schneider aims to utilise these in every sector .
“ The combination depends on whether you are dealing with a CEO of a large company or a consumer .”
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