Energy Digital Magazine October 2024 | Page 138


With the pressing demands for energy continuing to escalate as pressures to curb its environmental impact climb , governments and corporations alike are turning to technology to enhance the sustainability credentials of their activities .

Digital platforms and ecosystems have emerged as pivotal forces in transforming the energy landscape thanks to their ability to enhance operational efficiency and optimise the likes of energy production , distribution and consumption .
By seamlessly integrating cuttingedge technologies such as IoT , AI and blockchain , these platforms not only boost productivity and sustainability but also pave the way for a more resilient and adaptive energy future .
Platforms – digital frameworks that enable interactions , services and transactions between users – often integrate multiple technologies , whereas ecosystems – interconnected networks of platforms , organisations and technologies – collaborate and co-evolve to create value , drive innovation and enhance efficiency across industries by leveraging shared resources and data .
This data – and technology-driven approach is set to revolutionise the energy space as it motions toward a more sustainable-conscious future , as executives operating in the space explain .
138 October 2024