Energy Digital October 2023 | Page 49

Sustainability needs to be demystified and made tangible What quickly came to light was the need to make sustainability tangible-ie , how can you measure your impact on the climate when you can ’ t directly visualise it ?
The word ‘ tangible ’ marks the first stage of Schneider Electric ’ s strategy , which is completed by realising impact and understanding how to benchmark sustainability using data on environmental , social , and governance ( ESG ) metrics . This is where Kheradmand really tapped into his desire to educate — one that was formed during his career journey . He recognised that businesses must first understand their impacts in simple terms ; facts , figures and data that is objective to the organisation . “ This means marrying the science of sustainability — and to start carbon — and the art of business , which basically refers to how you gain customers and improve your market footprint , margins , costs , and increase prices ,” says Kheradmand .
“ We tried this with our customers . We went to them , sat with them and figured out plenty of solutions already exist . It ’ s a science and you need to be very specific and particular about what you want to deliver . It needs to be tangible , measurable and reproducible .”
This first stage influenced the founding of the Schneider Electric Sustainability School . This free initiative helps train stakeholders
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