TOP 10
Location : Kent , UK MW Capacity : 300 Thanet Wind Farm is a £ 780 million wind farm owned and operated by Vattenfall , and is situated in water depths of 20 to 25 metres that covers an area of 35km ². The wind farm ’ s construction commenced in 2008 and by 2010 , the project was completed ; in September of that year , the it started operations . The wind farm consists of 100 Vestas V90 3MW wind turbines , with each turbine measuring 115 metres high at the highest points .
Location : Greater Wash , UK MW Capacity : 317 Sheringham Shoal is diamondshaped and measures 35km ² in area . The 88-turbine wind farm was built by Scira Offshore , a joint venture by Statoil and Statkraft with an investment of approximately $ 1.8 billion . Statoil was the operator of the wind farm , but Statkraft took over operations in January 2014 . Its operational base is at Wells Harbour on the Norfolk coast . There are also two offshore substations and one onshore substation that form part of the project .
22 April 2017