fully recharged in the least amount of time ”. Each of these motorsports products also created industrial and military spinoff products that have created millions of dollars of additional revenue for the company and sparked the wholesale conversion of its product line to digital control .
Two years ago the company decided to spin off the motorsports business and created a sister company called RaceEnergy Performance which specifically caters to the needs of the motor sports industry . In addition to continuing to develop and support the power conversion electronics , RaceEnergy is now designing an electric race car . Hargrove reports : “ It is a small part . There are only three people in the division , but they are so busy right now that we can ’ t keep up . We have been contracted by a company that is developing an electric vehicle here in Vancouver to create and build a racing version of that car , so we have been designing our own battery systems , our own motor controllers , our own charging systems , not to mention all the mechanical parts such as suspension systems
Gheorghe Branzea
Branzea has been with Analytic Systems for more than 20 years and has applied his technical and organizational skills to a highly lean manufacturing environment .
and all-wheel drive . It is more aligned with the formula racing world than with mainstream electric vehicle world because all your charging systems in the race cars are off the car . You charge the batteries outside of the car
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