While Meralco ’ s sustainability strategy is palpable in the here and now , it is also intended to stretch out over the long-term . Various initiatives and projects for the next few years have already been set in motion , demonstrating its commitment to reducing the company ’ s impact on the environment while fostering growth in the country .
A number of transformations have already begun – including electrifying the company ’ s vehicle fleet , promoting gender diversity and inclusivity , ensuring its transformers are 99 % biodegradable and recyclable through the use of ester oil , and planting trees whilst nurturing existing ones to preserve Philippine forests – setting the stage for future adaptations .
“ Meralco is a diverse business . We ’ re in FinTech , telecoms , retail energy , engineering , electric vehicles , logistics and construction and electromechanical ”
“ Cybersecurity is a business enabler , a key component in realising initiatives and future goals of the company ,” Migriño says . “ While I continue to serve my country and organisation , I also want to promote
56 April 2022