James Robey has been working at the multinational professional services and business consultancy giant Capgemini for over two decades , ten of which he has served as CSO . It was during his first seven or eight years developing new business , looking after clients and affecting internal change programmes at the company that Robey started to read up on some of the sustainability challenges the company faced and it became increasingly clear , whether it be climate change or population explosion , that sustainability was to have a profound impact on how business needed to operate over the next 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 years .
“ As a result of a series of conversations with our senior leadership we started to create a sustainability program to start driving change within Capgemini which I did initially from a UK perspective ,” he explains . “ And for the last six or seven years , I ’ ve been doing that from a global perspective .”
So , where did Robey and his team start , when addressing sustainability both internally , to its massive global operations and externally – to its numerous clients . “ The starting point was re-