tions , Anthesis also focus on physical technologies to drive significant benefits and savings in areas like energy , where the company is constantly looking for the next innovation to share with clients to make meaningful step changes towards driving out carbon and reducing energy consumption . “ We ’ re partnering with an aerofoil technology company to significantly reduce the refrigerated energy load within display cases in retail supermarkets ,” reveals Crewe . “ The tech is actually based on the aerofoil blade used on the back of a Williams Formula 1 car and adapted to fit the edge of a shelf in open refrigerated cabinets . Like the automotive aerofoil , which helps keep a car firmly on the road at high speed , in its vertical position an aerofoil shelf works by keeping the cold air trained inside the case rather than pouring out into the aisle and wasting energy .”
In Crewe ’ s previous role as Head of Sustainability , Engineering , Energy and the Environment at Sainsbury ’ s , he supported the introduction of this technology across the whole of the supermarket giant ’ s estate to deliver significant energy reductions . “ At Anthesis we ’ re helping to roll this solution out across the world enabling our customers to accelerate their plans with economical business cases with a proven ROI ,” he adds .
Alongside such practical innovations , digital platforms have allowed for the creation of software systems which ingest data on a massive scale to deliver information that is informative , intuitive and capable of providing actionable insights , based on what is actually happening in an organisation , to drive cost effective solutions that
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