Energy Magazine August 2022 | Page 39


“Mission-critical broadband wireless connectivity becomes essential and is a major reason why forward-thinking utilities are looking to LTE / 5G for robust connectivity ”

The benefits offered by high-speed broadband are numerous , according to Nokia . Energy providers can deploy more efficient , reliable and sustainable infrastructure , and adapt to changing environmental conditions like wind speed and sunlight . They can reduce downtime by introducing intuitive sensors and automation to boost forecasting and predictive maintenance .
On the customer side , such systems can monitor consumption and regulate the flow of electricity , creating time and demand-based power supply . It would also facilitate charging schedules ; help store energy and minimise wastage .
From modern connectivity solutions offered by private wireless ( 4.9G / LTE and 5G ) to AI / ML , IoT , cloud computing , robotics , augmented and virtual reality , and big data analytics , the latest digital innovations are helping to significantly speed up the drive towards decarbonisation .
The importance of mission-critical private wireless technology Efforts to develop and expand renewable energy penetration have accelerated at a frantic pace but the industry still has plenty of ground to cover . One of the most notable areas that needs attention is the handling of data and communications . energydigital . com 39