TOP 10
TOP 10 COMPANIES SHAPING THE FUTURE OF SMART GRID TECHNOLOGY New technological innovations in the world of data , electronics and information sharing have revolutionized the electrical grid . Smart grids enable a more energy efficient electrical grid , saving money for both utility companies and consumers , which is why so many reputable companies are focused on creating innovations within this field .
The following 10 companies have each made significant progress in various fields related to smart grid technologies . Each company on this list was selected because they have made notable advancements in the world of smart grids . The top three companies include Cisco , IBM and ABB .
Unlike some other companies who are focused on smart grids , ABB looks beyond smart grids and wants to create smart cities . By taking smart grid technology a few steps further , ABB aims to make monitoring energy usage easy for both business and residential users , taking the smart grid beyond the grid itself and into the homes of those who are using it with customized ways for users to tweak their usage . Read more
30 December 2015