TOP 10
TOP 10 ENERGY BREAKTHROUGHS Energy has come a long way over the years . We all rely on energy to use in our daily lives – while at home and when conducting business . Advancements within the energy sector make using energy even more convenient . Since innovations within the energy sector are ongoing , there are always breakthroughs being implemented to help energy work even more efficiently than it already does .
The list includes everything from real-time energy monitoring tools to body-charging devices , to the world ’ s first battery-operated airplane and a new long-lasting light bulb that not only last 15 times longer than standard bulbs , but is also 75 percent more energy efficient . However , the number one energy breakthrough is the recently introduced nanomaterial that could potentially increase the production of solar energy . While the research is still being conducted , researchers are confident that this breakthrough will save homeowners and businesses millions each year . Read more