in 1976 under the name of Saudi Swiss Electro Mechanic Works Co . Ltd . Since its inception in 1976 , SSEM has established itself as one of the leading Saudi companies in the turnkey execution of large and diverse construction projects as EPC contractor in power , water , and industrial projects .
Classified as Grade 1 for Electrical , Mechanical and Water & Waste Water Projects in addition to 4th in Civil Works by the Saudi Department of Classification
• Power Generation , Transmission and Distribution for Overhead Transmission Lines , Substations and Underground Cables .
• Water Treatment , Transmission and Pumping Stations .
• Electrical and Mechanical Services for Industrial , Petrochemical , Commercial and Housing
• Operation and Maintenance .
Tel + 966-11-4625511 | Fax + 966-11-4627804 | Web www . ssem . com . sa | Email ssem @ ssem . com . sa 50 December 2015