MIDDLE EAST generation , transmission and distribution cycle , there is a lot of energy wastage with nearly -60 percent of the original energy source lost .
“ So that is not very efficient and what we want to do with CCHP is to produce the energy where you need it by combining your power generation with your cooling / heating requirements in one plant and optimise the production of the power side by capturing the waste heat wherever you produce power .
“ By so doing , we can almost increase the effectiveness of the energy source from 35-40 percent up to 75 percent or maybe even higher .”
Sleiman was keen to point out that ADC is not pursuing pure power production , but targeting the sector of distributed energy plants which deliver energy at the point of use .
Mr . Ibrahim Sleiman - CEO
Exploring renewables Another strategic focus for the company is the use of renewable energy sources such as solar panels and the company is currently investigating the use of Concentrated Solar Panels .
“ The reason we still use fossil fuel for our plants is that with solar energy plants you need a lot of space which is hard to find in urban areas ,” said Sleiman . “ So for now we are concentrating on smaller-scale solar plants . We are looking to participate in an Egyptian set of tenders which will come out shortly , which will range between 20 and 30 megawatts of power production .
“ We also anticipate to a smaller extent that there
Mr . Khalil Issa - MD
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