Energy Magazine December 2015 | Page 79

AFRICA attract the best talent . There ’ s no denying the industry is in a tighter spot than it has ever been , nevertheless this is the best time to make the investment . “ We are a new entrant in this market . Seaboard was the fourth largest wellhead manufacturer in North America but had little share in the ME . We are starting from scratch in this market place at a time when everybody is looking for ways to save money , and we can help them do that . The customer focus is on two fronts : who can supply them a quality product in the most cost effective way and who can deliver in the shortest time and give the fastest service ? We are already well known for the quality of our service , and that is how we have been growing our business . We have built this plant locally so that we are closer to our customers , can respond in the fastest time , and by manufacturing in the region we can make sure our costs are minimal so we will be cost effective .”
It ’ s Weir ’ s OEM pedigree that differentiates it and has established it locally . Much more than simply a supplier of product , from its fully equipped local workshops it runs complete maintenance operations and takes on maintenance management projects all the way from the wellhead to the processing plant and power stations for companies like Lukoil , BP , Shell and Adnoc . “ Since I joined 16 years ago , our businesses here have grown substantially . Now we are moving into the wellhead pressure market and marketing it strongly in the region .
It ’ s Weir ’ s OEM pedigree that differentiates it and has established it locally

‘ By manufacturing in the region we can make sure our costs are minimal so we will be cost effective ’

www . weiroilandgas . com 79