Energy Magazine December 2015 | Page 91

AFRICA repair and maintain offshore supply vessels .
“ Also with the infrastructure deficit on the continent , and Ghana is no different from other African states , this is a project where they ’ ve opened up the private sector to come forward with a solution : they ’ ve addressed the infrastructure deficit for this particular sector without using their balance sheets .
“ There are no government guarantees and there is no payment for constructing this facility from the Government of Ghana , so it frees up additional government funds that could be used to develop existing port infrastructure and other maritime sectors .
“ We see the potential certainly in the Ghanaian offshore context , the port being able to reduce the operational cost of oil by up to 90 cents to one dollar a barrel , which is significant .”
The port could be able to reduce the operational cost of oil by up to one dollar a barrel
Direct benefits During the construction phase , about 70 percent of the workforce will be Ghanaian . During the operational phase , Atuabo Free Port is a platform that allows other companies to execute their work , so although Gray cannot speak for the tenants coming into Atuabo and where they will source their people from , they will be encouraged to employ Ghanaians who have the skills they require . Certainly Atuabo Free Port ’ s focus is recruiting from the Ghanaian market and Ghanaian labour resources in the first instance .
As part of social engagement with the
www . atuabofreeport . com 91