Energy Magazine December 2015 | Page 93

“ We anticipate that there will be quite a lot of work opportunities in Ghana for the offshore activities from 2018 onwards . So it certainly is going to be an energetic market in the early years . But I think , you can look at Atuabo Free Port as a regional hub as well .
“ Ghana for all the right reasons is seen as a gateway to other countries in West Africa ; the English language , the rule of law , a stable democracy – it ’ s all there . We ’ re already seeing that with Expro , Halliburton , Schlumberger having their regional offices located in Ghana .
“ As the capacity and quality of the indigenous companies improve , they ’ ll be able then to sell their services to other markets and clearly you see the regional markets as their first entry points to support industries . We ’ re seeing a lot of that already manifesting , where the Ghanaian companies are exporting their skills to Liberia , Searra Leone and so on .”
Time is clearly money in Oil and Gas : when you have a rig operation , it is costing anywhere from $ 0.5 million to $ 1 million per day , so even an hour ’ s delay costs companies a considerable amount of money . Atuabo Free Port can offer firms the ability to have a sustainable business , not just for the exploration phase but also the development and production phase and so that may well make marginal fields profitable . This is just one of the reasons why Atuabo Free Port will be a welcome addition to the West African offshore oil and gas industry from 2017 .

‘ Atuabo Free Port ’ s focus is recruiting from the Ghanaian market and Ghanaian labour resources in the first instance ’

Company Information

Accra , Ghana
Ports & Terminals www . atuabofreeport . com 93