Energy Magazine December 2017 | Page 21

needs to take the lead before others follow : “ It ’ s the confidence and the worry that you might do it and no-one else does it back ,” Pritchett notes .
Smart cities - the future Some organisations are already implementing this . Tesla is one example , with its scheme to share autopilot data with their partners . In the UK Smart Cities initiatives are trialling similar models , such as putting sensors in recycling skips so councils know when they are full , and using data for people to identify available parking spaces before they ’ ve left the house .
Smart cities are clearly the way forward . As Pritchett explains , “ that ’ s one of the more intriguing conversations where there are often formalised arrangements for people sharing data . That ’ s sometimes driven by the Open Data Institute

“ If the main energy players were to share their data effectively across these areas , it would result in huge efficiency savings and new ways of working , opening up additional revenue streams ”

– Chris Pritchett , Head of Energy at Foot Ansley