Energy Magazine December 2019 | Page 14


innogy is using digital innovations to speed up the green energy transition and help 23mn customers become more sustainable

14 i nnogy is a large-scale energy provider based in Essen , Germany , currently serving 22 million clients across Europe . The company spans three major industry demographics : retail , grid infrastructure and renewable energy production . It has also started to expand into the e-mobility market with one of the largest charging point networks in Europe and a worldwide number of 34,000 charging sites . Since innogy was carved out from RWE and listed on the M-DAX separately in October 2016 , the business has been driving digital transformation as a key part of its strategy . Kuldip Singh , Digital & Data Director Retail International and part of the Retail Leadership team , sat down with us to elaborate .

“ We want to play a leading role in the global green energy transition and we believe that digital and disruptive new technologies are going to be at the heart of speeding up this process ,” explains Singh . “ Digital transformation is really at the heart of our customer facing business . We ’ re constantly looking for ways