Energy Magazine December 2019 | Page 32


T ell me a bit about yourself and the work you oversee at ENGIE Impact As the CEO of ENGIE Impact , my objective is to establish ENGIE Impact as the go-to partner for large corporations , cities and public authorities that need support with accelerating the transformation of their operations to be sustainable , getting from commitments to actions .

The way businesses and governments approach sustainability has changed significantly in recent years as technologies have matured and stakeholder demands have grown . Organisations are ready to act ,
32 but are challenged with where to prioritise efforts and how to accelerate their sustainability programmes to capitalise on the opportunity it is affording . I guide ENGIE Impact ’ s development of digital technologies , services and talent so that we can help those businesses and governments .
What inspired ENGIE to launch a dedicated sustainability venture ? In line with the Paris Agreement , over 500 companies have publicly committed to sustainability targets , yet only 15 % of those are on track to achieve them . The complexity in identifying and acting on cost-effective sustainability investments means that countless opportunities go unrealised every day , with greater demand from stakeholders like customers and employees that directly impact business performance