Energy Magazine December 2019 | Page 55

“ What we need to move towards an operationally – and environmentally – sustainable transport system is support for a solution which isn ’ t highly dependent upon a single mode of transportation ”

Gavin Bailey , Sustainable Future Transport Lead ,
Eunomia 55
lished plug-in hybrid electric ( PHEV ) and hybrid electric vehicles ( HEV ). PHEVs and HEVs offer greater range and less dependency on public charging networks thanks to their back-up energy sources from fossil fuelled electricity generators and internal combustion engine drivetrains . The greater security and longer distances that these vehicles are able to cover make it likely that consumers will continue to select PHEVs and HEVs until more acceptable batteryonly ranges are on offer .
This is not a new issue : vehicle range has long been a problem when it comes to BEVs .
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