Energy Magazine December 2022 | Page 5


Putting your money where your mouth is on climate change

In the week of this year ’ s COP27 climate summit , the United States made a bold statement . In a speech at the event , President Joe Biden said that the country will achieve its 2030 emissions targets . He added that his commitment to climate change has been unwavering and that could say will full confidence that the target will be met .
Biden also shed light on investment and finance , saying the United States is “ putting its money where its mouth is on climate change ” thanks to a huge US $ 650bn investment in climate change last year .
Whilst whether the achievability of this aim remains to be seen , it definitely puts significant pressure on other nations to ensure they can match it .
SCOTT BIRCH scott . birch @ bizclikmedia . com © 2022 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED energydigital . com 5