small scale in the form of an alternative generator . The turbine , called AirEnergy3D , is quite the revolution in terms of accessible renewable energy .
The device can supposedly power something like a laptop or several smaller electronic devices . It could also be used in rural communities and places like India , where energy accessibility is still a difficult proposition . It could also be used for remote recreational purposes , such as camping or other outdoor activities .
Solar has been filling this void , but this 3D printing tech could drastically change that . While wind energy has been mostly relegated to large-scale installations , this could bring wind down to a more consumer-friendly level . Of course , with the further expansion of 3D printing , largerscale potential certainly exists .
Also interesting is the device ’ s open-source nature . Those with 3D printing technology and access to the internet could theoretically print their own turbine .
However , the turbine isn ’ t completely 3D printable . Omni3D provides those who purchase the turbine a basic kit that is comprised of parts that aren ’ t printable . Still , most parts can
‘ Omni3D has developed a printable wind turbine that can be used on a small scale in the form of an alternative generator ’