Holdings , Inc ., a local infrastructure company , with 25 percent ; and Marubeni of Japan with 20 percent . Maynilad is responsible for the water and wastewater services in the western part of the Greater Manila area , serving a population of more than nine million in 17 cities and municipalities . Maynilad ’ s concession contract has been extended to 2037 .
Francisco Castillo CIO and Senior VP
Clearing the way for improvement The new management invested heavily , and it needed to . Leaking pipes were a big concern . In 2007 , 67 percent of the water that left the treatment plants was classed as ‘ non revenue ’, in other words most of it was lost though leaks , though much was illegally diverted . Replacing the large pipes made a big difference in a reasonably short time , but detecting leaks and illegal extraction was just one aspect of running a complex and geographically extensive utility that cried out for the application of new technology .
In March 2011 , Dr Francisco Castillo , who had been overseeing the IT system from his position as Managing Consultant at the Spanish IT consulting firm Indra Systems , was appointed as CIO and Senior VP of Maynilad , with a seat in the management committee to reflect the key role IT was to play in setting the strategy that would
32 January 2017