ASIA take the company right up to the cutting edge of global best practice . In-house IT was never going to be the answer – his strategy was to outsource all of the operational and maintenance systems . “ It meant redrawing the organisational map ” he says . “ I now have a very small and strategic IT team of nine , six of them as Project Managers engaged in managing contracted-out projects .”
His first priority was to fix the networks , servers and storage , so he set in motion a series of projects to create a robust infrastructure out of something that was , frankly , a mess . “ It meant revamping our network in terms of cabling , putting in fibre connections to connect all of our remote offices and changing every one of our switches . Then we standardised and virtualised all our servers , becoming the first organisation in the Philippines to do so .”
At the same time it was necessary to re-engineer all the applications . SAP had been set up as a tool to automating manual processes rather than as an ERP platform that would support all the business critical systems . SAP was re-implemented with additional modules , and the customer relations platform revamped to the latest iteration of MS Dynamics software . “ The CRM system used to reliably crash every four hours ,” he observes wryly , “ and the solution the former IT team had reached was to programme it to reboot every three hours .”
www . mayniladwater . com . ph 35