Energy Magazine January 2017 | Page 54



Greg Michaels CEO
A lifelong entrepreneur , Greg Michaels completed the highly selective and well respected Entrepreneurship Program at the University of Southern California ( USC ) Marshall School of Business . Mr . Michaels majored in Business Administration and completed an additional pre-medical curriculum . During his four years at USC , he competed as a student-athlete on the acclaimed USC Men ’ s Varsity Tennis Team . After his time at USC , Mr . Michaels pursued a career as a professional tennis player . Mr . Michaels is a national champion and still competes currently . Today , Mr . Michaels is a successful business leader and is the developer , owner , and operator of a number of businesses encompassing telecommunications , real estate development , energy , and oil and gas . In 2014 , Mr . Michaels
established a LNG company for the
Greg Michaels , CEO development of a $ 6.9 billion natural gas liquefaction facility located in Southwest Louisiana for the export of LNG globally . As Chairman and CEO of SCT & E LNG , he has spoken on LNG issues internationally and is a published author . At the age of 26 , Mr . Michaels founded Wholesale Airtime , Inc ., now Southern California Telephone Company , one of the few privately-held telecommunications companies to successfully navigate the Telecom Act of 1996 that deregulated the telecom industry in the United States . Early in his career , Mr . Michaels wrote his company ’ s first brief petitioning the California Public Utility Commission ( CPUC ), who subsequently granted his company ’ s Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity , creating one of the first privately-held public utilities in the State of California . As a pioneer of the telecom industry , he developed the process and platforms that allowed Competitive Local Exchange Carriers to interconnect their networks via incumbent communications providers and contributed to the success of number portability that all Americans enjoy today . Mr . Michaels has capitalized on his ability to build successful teams by identifying personal strengths in individuals and further developing them . He has employed thousands of people and is well respected by his management teams and personnel . He has bought ,