Qatar Gas LNG Liquefaction , Malaysia LNG Liquefaction , Nigeria LNG Liquefaction , Australia Northwest Shelf LNG Liquefaction , Sonatrach LNG Liquefaction at Skikda and Arzew , Arco Tangguh LNG Liquefaction , and others . He also led several different studies and analyses for companies , such as Trinidad LNG Liquefaction , Angola LNG Liquefaction , and a number of other very significant projects . As a Senior Process Engineer for KBR , Mr . Ray gained valuable EPC experience and led the process engineering through design , commissioning , and startup for several multi-billion dollar LNG facilities , including Nigeria Bonny Island LNG Trains 2 & 4 , Australia Northwest Shelf LNG Train 4 , and two trains for Malaysia LNG Tiga . Because of his work at KBR , Mr . Ray was hired by Aker Kvaerner where he was effective as first the Business Manager , and later the Project Manager , for the EPC of several multi-billion dollar LNG facilities , such as Cameron LNG , Gulf LNG , and Adriatic LNG . Mr . Ray ’ s valuable contributions were recognized at Aker Kvaerner and he was promoted to the Director of Business Development . In that leadership role , Mr . Ray ’ s team won the Pre-FEED and FEED contracts that led to the successful EPC bid of Dominion ’ s Cove Point LNG $ 4 billion liquefaction facility off the east coast of Maryland in the United States . His Aker Kvaerner team served as the EPC contractor for Cameron LNG , Adriatic LNG , Gulf LNG , and also completed a number of projects for Chevron and ConocoPhillips , among others . During his time at KBR , Mr . Ray worked for eight years with the world ’ s best team for engineering , design , and construction of the Air Products and Chemicals , Inc . ( APCI ) Propane Pre-Cooled LNG liquefaction process . APCI is the number one liquefaction technology provider globally and is the process selected by SCT & E LNG for its project on Monkey Island . Mr . Ray is currently serving as the Vice President of Engineering for SCT & E LNG and is primarily responsible for the engineering , procurement , planning , development , and construction efforts for the company ’ s natural gas liquefaction and LNG export project . In addition to his involvement with the engineering and construction industry , Mr . Ray is committed to serving his community . He volunteers his time weekly leading a mentoring group for men and rebuilds homes for disadvantaged and elderly people in the Houston , Texas , area . Mr . Ray is a dedicated family man to his wife of 23 years and the proud father of five children , three of whom are currently studying at Texas A & M University , and two of whom are in high school .