Energy Magazine July 2015 | Page 18

Aerial view of the Municipal wastewater treatment plant in Miami , Florida .
landfill gaseous emissions , and volatile organic compounds . The conversion process eliminates these emissions while producing minimal emissions as a result of operation . A typical modern landfill undergoes regularly treatment for solid and liquid waste products ; however , chemical breakdowns and volume shifts of the landfill waste can cause harmful effects that may last for tens or hundreds of years . This can result in contamination of lakes , oceans , soil and deterioration in plant and animal life . When these factors are considered , it is clear that the benefits of WTE plants greatly outweigh the minimal amounts of emissions .
Do WTE Plants Emit Harmful Chemicals ?
As early as the late 1980s , the U . S . and several European nations recognized the inefficiencies of WTE plants , particularly pertaining to mercury and dioxin emissions . Roughly
18 July 2015