Energy Magazine July 2015 | Page 3

Jennifer White

DIRECTOR ’ S COMMENT How is the corporate world reacting to the undeniable need for change ?

ENERGY IS A GLOBAL issue that deserves – no , requires – worldwide attention : A person would be hard-pressed to find another in opposition of that statement , especially as we enter the second half of 2015 .
With this in mind , we focused on one main theme for the July issue of Energy Digital : The corporate world ’ s reaction to the undeniable need for global change .
Reducing the corporate carbon footprint is no longer an option however it does not have to result in a reduction of productivity — or an increase in cost . Contributing writer Sasha Orman offers five tips to help implement sustainable practices within an organization ’ s IT department , a relatively simple change that can yield rather a significant result : greener computing across the entire company .
The continued rise of alternative energy sources is by far the most common reaction the world has seen with regard to the global energy crisis . This month , we reveal 10 of the largest solar farms across the globe , each of which helps to illustrate just how “ big ” our concern for renewable energy has become . ( Spoiler Alert : Our top pick is estimated to cost more than USD $ 4 million when completed ).
Finally , through an exclusive interview with Rebecca Castrejón , senior editor of our sister brand , Business Review América Latina , General Manager Jorge Ramón Alonso Duarte discusses how the leading utilities company in Guatemala , Empresa Eléctrica de Guatemala , S . A . ( EEGSA ), is using innovation to drive sustainability and set an example for the rest of the country .

Enjoy the issue !

Jennifer White
Director of Content , WDM Group jennifer . white @ wdmgroup . com