EUROPE takes on some of the most challenging sewer rehabilitation projects in the UK . Its rail division has a major contract with London Underground to provide maintenance and repair services for everything from bridges and structures to vegetation control and coin counters .
Lanes Utilities has had to address what Ashby called : “ A paradigm shift in the water industry , where we are seeing demanding customer challenges and the opening up of the market by the regulator OFWAT , which includes the prospect of increased competition from other companies .” In response to this , the company has rolled out investments in excess of £ 10 million to strengthen its specialist fleet ; it also follows Kaizen principles to maintain its ISO : 9001 , 14001 , 18001 and 22301 accreditations .
Talent Management Ashby noted that playing a major part in the smooth running of the country ’ s capital city can be a challenging and potentially stressful responsibility for his teams . He said : “ We travel roughly 6.5 million kilometres each year , so we ’ ve invested a lot of time and energy in making our employees ’ lives easier .” Over the past year , Lanes has invested not only in its fleet but also over £ 900,000 to provide training , tools and equipment for its employees , alongside a significant investment in its staff wellbeing project . Ashby said : “ We ’ ve put a lot of time and effort into understanding workplace frustrations
‘ Lanes Group has shown that it can be a jack of all trades while mastering all of them : its dedicated focus on both the needs of customers , and its expanding workforce , has produced a balanced and powerful model for continued growth ’
www . lanesfordrains . co . uk 37