EUROPE employees is its simplified Essential Standards operational handbook , which has already won an award from Construction News for its innovative format of communication through illustrations ; it has even been adopted by some of Lanes ’ clients .
Ashby also noted that Lanes is keen to actively support and develop its staff at all levels , which has enabled members to progress to senior management positions . Ashby said : “ We have a bespoke management course for all front line managers . We put them through MSTS and IOSH training , as well as providing them with training from the Institute of Leadership and Management .”
Competitive edge Lanes has profited from developing seemingly simple innovations and IT functionality . Its adoption of app-based technology has not only saved countless paper documents , but also saved time and effort , while enabling the business to remain transparent through the extensive use of photographic images .
Ashby said : “ We do roughly 320,000 jobs a year as part of our Thames contract , so instead of having a paper risk assessment our app records the risks and the mitigating actions undertaken , evidenced through the use of date and time stamped photographs .” Backing this up , he said : “ We take over 4.5 million images every year in support of the company ’ s ongoing customer service and H & S measures . It ’ s an innovation
“ We do roughly 320,000 jobs a year as part of our Thames Water contract , so instead of having a paper risk assessment we have an app which records risks mitigation and proves this with a photograph ”
– Conrad Ashby , Framework Director at Lanes Group
www . lanesfordrains . co . uk 41