with clients that appreciate working with a company who focus on quality , expertise and professionalism in repairing the equipment which we build .
“ There tends to be more problematic issues with older plants , so companies need a good contractor or partner to work with and ensure that they are around to operate in the next few years .”
Increased investments With this in mind , Inma Steel is investing in a new facility , alongside new technologies which will provide value to clients and provide the ability for increased fabrication . The company ’ s investment in heat exchanger repair , automated welding machines and related manufacturing equipment is a result of its expanding business growth . “ We ’ re also looking at working on the licensing for repairing high profile or high value equipment , such as valves ,” comments Almubarak . “ We ’ re working with European and American manufacturers in order to be a licensed contractor ; maintaining , replacing and repairing equipment .”
To support this further , Almubarak is aware that there are a large number of valves incorporated into traditional plants , which Inma Steel is fully taking advantage of . The company is currently building a ‘ state of the art ’ valve repair shop , which will be situated in the company ’ s new facility . This technology will be placed alongside a mobile valve repair shop , which can be taken onsite to support the recondition ,
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