The power of the people There is one partner in particular that Leferink feels is significant – the local community . Lake Turkana Wind Power has strived since the very beginning of the process to prioritise local employment in every aspect of the construction . Prior to Lake Turkana Wind Power ’ s investment in the local area , it was scarcely populated with little to no economic development whatsoever .
“ We are very committed to supporting local development of the area to make is as sustainable as we can ,” he says .
“ The local employees we have employed will benefit from liveable pay , training and development so that when the construction is complete and they move on , they do so with the skills and capabilities to attain future work .”
To date , Lake Turkana Wind Power ( directly and through its contractors ) has employed around 800-900 local employees out of the 1,700 people working on the project .
Local employment is not the only visible benefit brought upon by the project . Through a commitment
56 June 2017