THE CASE FOR RENEWABLE energy goes beyond just environmental benefits--it also has the ability to impact a business ’ bottom line .
“ Research shows that the most ambitious companies have seen a 27 percent return on their low carbon investments ,” said Mark Kenber , CEO of the Climate Group , an independent , not-for-profit organization . We take a look at five major brands — Microsoft , Sony , Google , Ikea and Walmart — and reveal what small-andmedium businesses can learn from these major companies in order to benefit from a greener business plan .
Big names , big initiatives Microsoft has been committed to being carbon neutral since 2013 . The company has signed 20-year agreements to purchase 175 MW of wind energy from Pilot Hill Wind Project in Illinois , and 110 MW of wind energy from Keechi Wind Project in Texas . In 2012 , Microsoft began implementing an internal carbon fee , saving 7.5m m3 of Co2 . Individual departments must account for their energy use and pay a fee to offset any carbon emissions , with the fee going into an investment fund that Microsoft uses towards its carbon neutral plan .