Energy Magazine March 2016 | Page 34


Key Personnel

Andrew Quail Director of IT
Andrew joined SGN in November 2008 as a senior Programme Manager . He had previously worked within a number of organisations including ; Centrica , Capgemini Consulting , Tata Consulting , and TUI in a variety of IT roles . He has led multiple large scale business transformation and IT change programmes . He was appointed as SGN ’ s Director of IT in 2010 and is accountable for all IT services and the definition and delivery of all technology change .
a huge change in the way it uses technology .
Listening to Quail describe SGN ’ s digital transformation , it ’ s clear to see it has been through some monumental changes – while keeping costs down . A particularly tough challenge . The starting point , he says , was people . “ I ’ ve had to bring in new people and I ’ ve also had to change our ways of working . I ’ ve started with the customer-facing side of our business with business solutions and business relationship management . So , just as SGN is focussing more and more on improving our customers ’ experience , I need to do the same internally . The next wave of capability I ’ m developing is around the focus on architecture and data management which are fundamental given the different type of IT that ’ s being put in place now and the heavy leaning of our CEO and the company overall , towards technology innovation . Of course , just like SGN , our dayto-day operational performance has to be completely reliable and rock solid . It is vital that we don ’ t take our eye off the ball . So , bringing in new capabilities and more experience in these areas , while retaining and indeed reducing my overall operating cost base is really the challenge I ’ m facing but it ’ s something we ’ re achieving .”
The new people Quail mentions
34 March 2016