PROJECT SUNROOF , THE company ’ s latest solar initiative aims to put Google ’ s expansive data in mapping and computing resources to use , helping calculate the best solar plan for users . The online service combines the images behind Google Earth with calculations such as how much shade trees cast over a rooftop , data on local weather patterns , industry pricing and available subsidies to arrive at its bottom line .
“ We at Google believe in solar energy . The solar industry needs our help ,” said Carl Elkin , the senior software engineer who created the service .
Power of the sun Project Sunroof computes how much sunlight hits your roof in a year by taking into account : Google ’ s database of aerial imagery and maps ; 3D modeling of your roof ; Shadows cast by nearby structures and trees ; All possible sun positions over the course of a year ; Historical cloud and temperature patterns that might affect solar energy production .
The end result provides users with a set of tools to facilitate the purchase and installation of solar panels , including calculating how much money a user can expect to save year by making use of solar power .
“ Project Sunroof recommends an installation size to generate close to 100 percent of your electricity use , based on roof size , the amount of sun hitting the roof , and your electricity bill ,” the company states on their website .
“ Project Sunroof uses current
8 February 2016