10 billion tons , Canada controls right around 4 percent of the world ’ s remaining coal . Despite the immensity of its reserves , Canadian coal is strikingly underdeveloped . Only 19 coal mines operate within the country , with almost half of that in British Columbia . Part of the problem is that much of that reserve coal is located in remote regions of the country , but other issues are more significant .
First , coal has developed a major public relations problem in significant portions of Canada . Ontario and
Quebec have both launched significant green energy projects targeted specifically at displacing coal-burning power plants . British Columbia looks poised to reduce its dependence on coal as well .
Second , even before these green energy initiatives really took off , coal consumption in Canada was stagnant . In fact , Canadians are burning virtually the same amount of coal now as they were in 2004 .
Third , over the next few years coal will need to compete with incredibly
‘ Canada remains one of the world ’ s biggest coal producers , but most of its potential export partners are also big coal producers .’
10 May 2015