aid in recovering methane from the glycol dehydration process that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere .
Nuclear Energy There are presently 99 nuclear power plants in operation in the United States and 19 in Canada . Nuclear power generates 15 percent of Canada ’ s electricity and they plan to build two additional reactors over the next ten years . The United States expects an additional 6 to come online by 2020 . While the United States leads the world in nuclear energy generating capacity , Canada has long been a leader in nuclear research , developing and exporting reactors to other countries . The demand for lowcarbon technologies has sparked new interest in nuclear power . It is cost competitive and new technologies continue to improve safety .
Nuclear reactors are designed to sustain chain reactions produced by the fission of heavy nuclei . The reactor core converts energy from the reaction into heat . The heat is used to produce steam that drives a turbine for the production of electricity . The amount of power generated is controlled with control rods . Control rods absorb neutrons and are used to reduce their number available for fission . By inserting the control rods deep in the reactor , power is reduced . Removing them will increase the power output .
There are several types of nuclear reactors used for power production . They are categorized by either the type of fuel employed or by coolant .
18 May 2015