Enjoy the issue !
Jennifer White
Letter from the Director
ENERGY IS NO STRANGER to uncertainty . For decades ( maybe even centuries ), scientists , lobbyists , extremists and activists have been debating cost versus necessity , supply versus demand , conservation versus utilization , and sharing these facts as “ expert ” opinions . And while the “ right ” opinion may never be decided , what is certain is the significance of technology for the success of the industry overall .
Maintaining distance from the ( tangled ) political side of the market , this month ’ s issue reviews the five main energy sub-sectors in Canada . While some show promise ( and others , more despair ), these sub-sectors provide the foundation for Canadian energy production overall — and new technologies coupled with ambitious investments by global energy firms promise to increase that production over the next few years .
We also explore the science behind energy production — old and new — and the role technology has had in the evolution of energy infrastructure , as well as provide a list of 10 companies that are revolutionizing the smart grid sub-sector through – what else ? – technology and innovation .
Enjoy the issue !
Jennifer White
Director of Content , WDM Group jennifer . white @ wdmgroup . com