SIEMENS of cities . Right now , cities are designed around accommodating vehicles . Frankly , it ' s bizarre that we have so many journeys of two kilometers where a 75-kilo person is transported in a two-ton car . It ’ s a problem we ’ re aiming to solve while making that solution cost-efficient , safe , demand responsive , accessible , and convenient .”
Safety , Security & Reliability “ If you ' re going to entrust your well-being to a computer , you want to make sure it ’ s safe to do so ,” reasons Fritz . “ A big part of the problem is how you can actually show that the vehicle making decisions for you is making them with the appropriate amount of caution . We ’ re working with governments and regulatory bodies on solutions that make engineering and practical sense .”
Fritz explains his team ’ s approach is based around scenario level testing for safety . This is combined with security that goes beyond software , starting at the chipset level with integrated circuit design implementation .
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