SMART GRIDS income for EV owners by returning electricity to the grid ,” he said .
“ To be widely adopted , vehicle-togrid technology will have to demonstrate that it can be safely used without accelerating battery degradation while yielding sufficient financial incentives to warrant the initial investment . At InMotion Ventures , we are very excited about the investment opportunities resulting from these challenges in areas such as smart charging technologies , energy management , battery technology and battery lifecycle management .”
What effect has the pandemic had on energy storage ? The fifth European Market Monitor on Energy Storage ( EMMES ) report has been published and reveals the effects of the pandemic on the energy storage market , with lockdown affecting commercial and industrial and behind-the-meter segments , while front-ofmeter projects proved more resilient .
The total annual energy storage market in Europe is expected to reach 3,000 MWh in 2021 , almost double the annual storage deployments seen in 2020 .
The EMMES highlights the strong performance of front-of-meter market across Europe in 2020 , with new balancing and ancillary services in countries such as Italy , the UK and the Nordic region supporting demand for grid-level storage projects of increasing duration .
Behind the meter however , the residential and commercial and industrial sectors felt the impact of the pandemic much harder , with onsite installations inhibited by lockdowns . The € 1.8 trillion EU COVID-19 Recovery Plan expects to deliver significant public investment into clean energy technologies , including storage . The European Parliament has
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