Energy Magazine November 2018 | Page 32

32 es negative environmental impact … when I think of clean tech , I think of using resources to their largest potential . From an energy perspective , this can apply to a great many types of technologies , from alternative types of energy production to waste recovery or efficient use of energy sources and storage . We ’ re looking for companies that fit that mold – not any particular type , but they must fit in with our theme which at the moment is focused on commercial buildings .”
In order to find the most viable companies that can make the most out of all IN2 has to offer , a stringent pipeline process has been developed . Companies are suggested by IN2 ’ s Channel Partners – made up of over 40 cleantech and sustainability-focused incubators , accelerators and universities – which choose the best and brightest business to apply .
Once Channel Partners have referred a number of companies , there follows a three-step board selection