Energy Magazine November 2018 | Page 37

ers to discuss the future . “ What came out of that was that IN2 would like to explore incubating companies in a similar fashion in the areas of food , energy and water , as well as transportation and mobility systems and residential buildings ,” says Cozart .
“ We ’ re really excited about this at Wells Fargo ,” Huntley adds . “ As a major agricultural lender , the food , energy and water space is very relevant to what we do commercially .” More widely , the banking behemoth will continue to strive for sustainability both within and outside its innovation incubator , from deploying ‘ green teams ’ within its offices to educate staff on environmental issues to releasing regular CSR reports to engage investors .
“ Wells Fargo over the past few years has been the investor behind roughly 10 % of all the renewable energy developed in the US , so we ’ re a major player in that space . I see it as really important that we continue to educate companies and partners , and they we ’ re playing a really important role within the economy in that way ,” he concludes .
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