FOREWORD Threats and opportunities at UN COP26 Conference
“ Ministers must be allowed this time to debate – but the clear message is we need less talk and more action ”
Sustainability is sure to dominate the agenda this month as the much-touted UN Climate Change Conference ( COP26 ) gets underway in Glasgow .
Will world leaders pass resolutions that set us on a clear net-zero pathway , or talks fail as unilateralism prevails ? Ministers must be allowed this time to debate – but the clear message is we need less talk and more action .
The energy industry finds itself under intense scrutiny , with the transition from fossil fuels and current euphoria surrounding supply pressures and rising prices . Renewables investment is spiralling however , and the industry must continue to harness technology to drive efficiencies and protect the environment .
In the grand sweep of history , COP26 is a tiny marker . The global meet does provide an opportunity to drive lasting change though , and it falls on everyone – politicians , corporations and consumers – to make positive changes if we are to beat the negative forecasts .
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