SMART BATTERIES each other . There is absolutely no reason why fuel cell technology cannot be deployed quickly but we will need to see a cohesive deployment of the refuelling infrastructure and it must be clean and green as already demonstrated in the small hydrogen infrastructure up and running in the UK ,” he said .
Infrastructure is not just an issue facing hydrogen fuel cell vehicles , he adds , since battery powertrains for large and heavy vehicles also face issues when it comes to charging .
“ For these very large systems to be charged in reasonable times , chargers in the ultra-rapid bracket of > 250kW are required and these are expensive and are currently few and far between . With this in mind , there is potentially a strong case for hydrogen as a more costeffective alternative ,” he said .
" Realistically , hydrogen infrastructure is coming and in the second half of this decade we expect it to have deployed sufficiently to provide adequate if not ubiquitous coverage . Getting to the point where fuel cell technology is economically viable is the challenge but the UK is well placed to meet this target in the required timeline .”
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