Decarbonisation of industry is complex – an industrial plant requires high investment , often to the tune of billions of dollars , and is built to last several decades . As companies pledge to reach carbon neutrality by 2050 , they are under significant pressure to transition from the thermochemical platforms they have been reliant on for the past three centuries to transformational technologies in just three decades .
Financial penalties on fossil-based manufacturing are not enough to support the decarbonisation of industry – incentives for the import and consumption of lowcarbon products within one ' s borders are also necessary for a global transition to a carbon-neutral industry .
Funding and partnerships power low-carbon prospects Clean Energy Systems ( CES ) recently raised $ 15MM in a Series A funding round led by Carbon Direct Capital Management . The funding will accelerate the first commercialscale deployment of CES technology in the carbon negative power project in Mendota ,
“ We are close to a breakthrough with regard to the attributes of cement products that contain high levels of GGBFS blast furnace slag ”
California . Carbon Direct will join CES ’ board of directors .
CES is collaborating with Schlumberger New Energy , Chevron Corporation , and Microsoft to develop a carbon negative power project in Mendota , California .
The plant will convert local agricultural waste biomass into a renewable synthesis gas that will be mixed with oxygen in a combustor to generate electricity . More than 99 % of the carbon from the process is expected to be captured for permanent storage by injecting CO2 underground into nearby deep geological formations .
" Our vision is to scale our carbon removal technology to gigaton scale . In the State of California , our projects mitigate pileburning of agricultural waste and permanently sequester carbon dioxide ," said Keith Pronske , CEO of Clean Energy Systems .