Energy Magazine October 2022 | Page 14


New homes and buildings such as supermarkets and workplaces , as well as those undergoing major renovation , will be required to install electric vehicle charge points from next year , under new legislation announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson . Up to 145,000 extra charge points will be installed across England each year .
The UK is aiming to use clean energy to power over 7 million homes by 2025 , in a key element of its net zeroby-2050 strategy . Under the latest round of its Contracts for Difference scheme , new projects will provide around 6GW of capacity - 2.4GW more than the last round .
The phase out date for the sale of new UK petrol and diesel cars and vans has been brought forward to 2030 , while new hybrids have been extended to 2035 . To facilitate the transition , £ 1.3 billion is being invested in EV chargepoints for homes , streets and motorways across England . The UK Government also wants floating offshore wind to deliver 1GW of energy by 2030 .
14 October 2022